
R. Dawkins - "Why the universe seems so strange"?

Here it is at last :)
Original version: 

Queer (adjective) – it means that something is not conventional; unusual, strange, extraordinary. In slang it is used as an offense of homosexuals.

You made very queer assumptions about her – it can’t be true.
I found my wallet which I had lost few years ago by a queer accident. 

Probability (noun) – it is used to show the level of possibility (likeness) for something to happen

There is a high probability of a meteor strike next year.
If I were you, I would check the probability of winning this match.
Impenetrable (adjective)something that is impossible to penetrate or to walk through

The skin of Superman is impenetrable.
Saves in banks are impenetrable nowadays.

Solidity (noun)it is a quality which means that something is hard/solid (unlikely to gas or liquid)

Rocks are in a state of solidity.
I have a great new job with high income – I feel solidity is going to be a part of my life again.
Matter (noun)a substance (universe consists of matter)

Universe is made in 90% out of dark matter.
Matter is all around us.
Improbable (adjective)unlikely to happen

A chance of finding 200zl banknote on the street is improbable.
I wish to go to the moon this week! – It is improbable, dude.

 Expendable (adjective) – able to change/morph

I have to be in 3 places at once tomorrow – I cannot be that expendable.
Haven’t you seen the film “Expendables”? 

1 komentarz:

  1. Good choice of film and well-prepared speech.
    Well-organised, easy to follow with perfect fluency. Congrats!
