

Syndrome - group of symptoms that may indicate or characterize a disease
You know that I got jshaiuftvgsgaihf … Turret’s Syndrome

Hallucinations - a false or mistaken idea; a delusion.
We shouldn’t eat this mushrooms. We are going to have hallucinations.

Visual loss – condition of being deprived or bereaved of sight
I got something in my eye. I’m worrying about a visual loss.

Cataract – an eye disease causing a loss of vision or blindness
My father is blind – he suffers from a cataract.

Handkerchief – a small square of cloth used to wipe nose or mouth
You got something under your nose, here, take my handkerchief.

Midair – a point above the ground level
I had a car accident and I flew over the window. I spent few seconds in midair but it seemed to be so long!

Blind – unable to see
I was blind all my life but now I can see!
If I put my finger in your eyes you will be blind.

Jon Ronson - Strange answers to the psychopath test


Crazy - affected with madness; insane.
Hey, look at this dude, he’s crazy!
I have a pig in my bed. Am I crazy?

Sane - showing healthy judgment; reasonable
The doctor said that he is perfectly sane, but people say he’s crazy.

To spot - to detect/see
I was dancing and than I spotted that something is wrong.

Hey, this is very cheap! – Don’t try to buy it. I spotted it first!

Madness – the condition of being insane/crazy
“This is madness!” – “No, this is SPARTA!”

Minor – lesser or smaller, less serious/dangerous
Young people shouldn’t be imprisoned for minor crimes such as drinking alcohol in public places.

To fake – to simulate or to feign
I bought NOKIA, but unfortunately it was fake – really it was NOKLA.

Tendency - predisposition to think, act, behave in particular way.
People have a tendency to be self-destructive.


Sir Ken Robinson - Schools kill creativity


Creativity – the ability or power to create something new / ability to think in a non-conventional way.
“He invented many things. It’s because of his creativity.”

Hierarchy – a system of organizing things, people, etc.
“People have a tendency to make hierarchies”

Desirable -  Worth having or seekin  by being useful
“English teachers earn a lot of money and this is why it is a desirable job”

Constantly – a valute which means that it is persistent/invariable
“He claims that the creativity is an ability that is constantly fading away while growing older.”

To consider - to think carefully about something or to choose one of options ( to judge)
“I got a new job offer, but I have to consider it carefully”

To dispose - to deal with something hard / to be put into certain conditions / to move or extend in a certain direction
“I killed her and now I had to dispose her body off”

Benefits – an advantage – simply – something that is considered as profitable
“People who meet in order to have coitus are called friends with benefits

Jill Bolte Taylor's Stroke of Insight


Stroke - is the rapid loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. 
He's in hospital - firstly he couldn't speak, than he lost his consciousness. As it turned out he had a stroke.

Disturbance - mental or emotional unbalance/disorder.
He is acting in different ways during the day. I think he has some brain disturbances.

Hemisphere – a half of a sphere (circle)
We divide our brain into 2 hemispheres - the left and the right one.

Functionless – unable to function properly
My phone has a broken LCD and no keyboard - it's functionless now.

Analytical - dividing into elemental parts or basic principles
Mathematicians like to divide everything into smaller parts - they are so analytical...

Sensory - transmitting impulses from sense organs to nerve centers
We have to use multisensory approach in teaching - especialy in teaching children.

Euphoria - a feeling of great happiness or well-being.
I finally passed my exams. I got a feeling of euphoria since then.