
Jill Bolte Taylor's Stroke of Insight


Stroke - is the rapid loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. 
He's in hospital - firstly he couldn't speak, than he lost his consciousness. As it turned out he had a stroke.

Disturbance - mental or emotional unbalance/disorder.
He is acting in different ways during the day. I think he has some brain disturbances.

Hemisphere – a half of a sphere (circle)
We divide our brain into 2 hemispheres - the left and the right one.

Functionless – unable to function properly
My phone has a broken LCD and no keyboard - it's functionless now.

Analytical - dividing into elemental parts or basic principles
Mathematicians like to divide everything into smaller parts - they are so analytical...

Sensory - transmitting impulses from sense organs to nerve centers
We have to use multisensory approach in teaching - especialy in teaching children.

Euphoria - a feeling of great happiness or well-being.
I finally passed my exams. I got a feeling of euphoria since then. 

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